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Acqua Life Dive Center has been helping people learn to dive and go diving in Mallorca Island since 2011.

We teach diving from the very first step into the diving world to professional levels.

Acqua Life Eco-Philosophy started with the belief that everyone’s enjoyment of diving or snorkeling can be enhanced if they understand something about the ecology of reef systems. We take our responsibility to foster environmental awareness, responsible attitudes, and values seriously.

To help preserve Mallorca Island, we also organize and conduct ecological projects. These include doing frequent beach clean-ups, installing mooring lines on dive sites, teaching local fishermen and divers healthy reef habits, conducting reef checks/monitoring and underwater cleanups.

Sharing information and knowledge with both local islanders, and tourists who come to dive, snorkel and admire the beautiful reefs is integral to our everyday activities, organized special events and ongoing community projects. By coming into contact with such a diverse mixture of people, we hope to continue to spread the word and educate guests from all around the world about the great need to protect our oceans. Think global, act locally. Today, for Tomorrow.

With BLUE OCEANS Project, we transform our beliefs into action! As a 100 % BLUE OCEANS dive center.
We support a clean, healthy ocean by making a donation on behalf of each student to BLUE OCEANS Project.


All courses and certificates are approved by SSI SCUBA SCHOOLS INTERNATIONAL.


Photos by Acqua Life

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